Friday, October 19, 2007

The Beginning, Scribe Posts...

Today is an exciting day for myself as a teacher, for you the students are truly becoming involved in each other's learnings; The sribe posts have begun in Grade 10 Slot E. Don't worry Slot I and Grade 11's your time will come soon enough, you too will have the opportunity to teach your fellow students.

So what is the reponsibilities of the scribe you ask? Well they are as follows:

1 - What happened in class today if the class was not a work period, i.e. what did we do. Did we have a demonstration, did we have class time to work on an assignment/project, was a new concept introduced etc.
2 - What did we learn during these activities, Mr. Reece's ramblings etc.
3 - What new information were we presented with (this is where you get to teach and share with one another, very important!)
4 - Is there anything that I did not understand that my classmates/Mr. Reece can help me with?
5 - Is there a new assignment?
6 - Are there any links relating to today's class. (Very helpful and useful)

Remember your job is to reteach the class for those that were not there in body or mind. You need to summarize the notes, provide examples of questions done in class and pick a scribe for the next day. Being a scribe is meant to be fun. (Simply typing code that Mr. Reece demonstrated is not enough, you need to explain the code to your classmates!)

The amount of effort put in is up to you, but the more you do, the more your classmates benefit.

Mr. R

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